A living fence/ willow fedge is a type of fence created using live plants or tree branches to form a green barrier. One of the most common types of plants used for making a living fence is willow, as it has the ability to grow rapidly and easily take on various shapes. So, how to make a living fence with willow?
In this article, we will guide you to grow a living willow fence with simple and effective steps. Have a read!
1. How to make a living fence with willow?
A willow living fence is a fantastic way to create a durable and environmentally friendly green wall for your garden. To accomplish this, you’ll need to prepare the following materials and tools:
Materials Needed:
- Willow branches (quantity depends on the length of the fence);
- Wooden or metal posts (approximately 1.5 meters high, diameter around 5 cm);
- Hammer;
- Twine or ties;
- Pruners;
- Water.
Execution steps:
Step 1: Setting up support posts
Dig small holes in the ground to place the wooden or metal posts. The distance between two posts is about 50 cm. Ensure the posts are upright and firmly planted.
Step 2: Creating the frame
To plant a living willow fedge, take the longest willow branches and bend them into a U shape. Place them between two adjacent posts, ensuring the curved part of the willow branch is on top of the posts. Repeat with the next pairs of posts until the fence is complete.

Step 3: Weaving the willow branches
Take shorter willow branches and weave them back and forth between the curved willow branches. Ensure the branches are woven tightly and evenly.
Step 4: Securing the structure
Use twine or ties to secure the willow branches together at intersecting points. Cut off any excess twine.

Step 5: Caring for your willow fence
Water the willow fence every day for about a week to encourage plant growth. Afterward, water according to the needs of the plants.
You have completed making the willow living fence. Enjoy the results and maintain the fence regularly for a beautiful green wall.
2. FAQs
2.1 What type of willow is best for a living fence?
The best types of willow for a living fence are white willow (Salix alba), purple willow (Salix purpurea), and basket willow (Salix viminalis). These varieties are popular choices due to their rapid growth, ability to withstand pruning, and ease of root formation when branches are planted in the ground.
2.2 How long does it take for willow cuttings to root?
The time it takes for willow cuttings to root can vary, but generally, willow is known for its fast rooting ability. In favorable conditions, willow cuttings may start to develop roots within a few weeks, typically ranging from two to six weeks. Factors such as soil quality, moisture levels, and the specific type of willow can influence the rooting time.
2.3 How fast does a willow hedge grow?
The growth rate of a willow hedge can vary depending on factors such as the specific type of willow, environmental conditions, and care provided. Generally, willow hedges are known for their rapid growth. In optimal conditions, some varieties of willow hedges can grow up to 3 to 6 feet (approximately 0.9 to 1.8 meters) per year. Regular pruning and proper care can further promote healthy and vigorous growth.
3. Final thought
In conclusion, making a living willow fence offers a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing way to delineate your outdoor space while providing privacy and natural beauty. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you’ve learned how to harness the versatility of willow branches to construct a durable and environmentally friendly barrier.
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