
How To Make Bamboo Hand Fan Step By Step With Paper?

Wondering how to make bamboo hand fan step by step? Creating a bamboo hand fan is a traditional art form in many different cultures, handed down through generations. These handcrafted fans serve not only as practical accessories on warm days but also as symbols of culture and sophistication.

With basic materials and the following instructions, you can craft your own bamboo hand fan at home.

1. How to make a bamboo hand fan?

Bamboo fan is a traditional item in Asia country, used for cooling, decoration, or as a gift. To handcraft a bamboo fan, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

Materials Needed:

  • Decorative wrapping paper;
  • Plain white paper;
  • Wood sticks, 11-inches long by 1/2-inch wide;
  • 2-inch head pin;
  • Push pin;
  • Compass drawing tool;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle-nose pliers;
  • Paint brush, Pencil, Glue;
  • Tassel, Button.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Prepare Bamboo Sticks

Gather the bamboo sticks and trim them to the desired length using scissors or pruning shears. Typically, a bamboo hand fan consists of a series of evenly spaced sticks that form the frame.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Gather the bamboo sticks and trim

Step 2: Create Holes in the Wood Sticks

Measure 1 inch from the end of each wood stick and use a push pin to pierce a hole at the midpoint. Place a cutting mat underneath the wood to allow the pin to go through. Once holes are made in all 10 wood sticks, stack them and thread a 2-inch head pin through the holes.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
After piercing a hole in all 10 wood sticks

Step 3: Secure the Head Pin

Using needle-nose pliers, twist the opposite end of the head pin to prevent it from sliding out. While the twisted head pin may not be aesthetically pleasing, it will be concealed with a button later. Ensure the pin keeps the wood sticks tight yet allows for pivoting.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Close the Other End of the Head Pin

Step 4: Arrange the Wood Sticks

Position the wood sticks on white paper, aligning the pivot point at the bottom center where the half circle was removed. This arrangement exposes approximately 4 inches of the wood, with the rest covered by the white paper. Space the sticks evenly.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Arrange the sticks so they are evenly spaced

Step 5: Trace the Stick Outlines

Once the sticks are in the desired position, trace around them with a pencil. This will serve as a guide for correct placement in the upcoming steps.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Once the sticks are in the desired position

Step 6: Apply Glue to the Backs

Brush glue onto the back of the sticks for an even coating. Position the wood sticks on the paper with the glued side down, using the traced pencil marks as a guide. Press down on the sticks to ensure proper contact between the glue and paper.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Brush glue onto the back of the sticks for an even coating

Step 7: Trim Around the Fan Sticks

Trim approximately 1 inch around the wood fan sticks with scissors to make handling easier. This is not the final shape of the fan. Choose a decorative paper that folds easily, like wrapping or origami paper. Measure an arc in the decorative paper using the compass, just as done with the white paper, and cut out the half circle.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Trim Around the Fan Sticks

Step 8: Apply Glue to the Front

Use a brush to apply glue to the front of the wood sticks only where they contact the paper. Dab a little glue between the sticks to ensure adhesion to the white lining.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Use a brush and apply glue to the front of the wood sticks

Step 9: Position the Back onto the Front

Turn the fan over, glue side down, and affix it to the “wrong” side of the decorative paper. Ensure alignment of the two half circles at the bottom, with the decorative paper extending slightly beyond the white lining. Smooth out the paper with your fingers.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Position the Back onto the Front

Step 10: Trim to Final Size

Use the tops of the fan sticks as a guide and cut around the top of the fan, leaving about a 1/2 inch of paper on the left and right edges.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Use the tops of the fan sticks as a guide

Step 15: Fold the Fan

Fold the fan, aligning the wood sticks, and create strong creases in the paper for visible pleats when unfolded. Optionally, attach a tassel to the twisted knot of the head pin for added decoration.

How to make bamboo hand fan step by step
Fold the fan, aligning the wood sticks

By following these “how to make bamboo hand fan” step by step above instruction, you can produce a beautiful and functional bamboo hand fan that reflects both cultural heritage and personal creativity. Enjoy the process of crafting your unique piece and appreciate the cultural significance embedded in each fold.

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