How To Make Christmas Card Holder?

Christmas is a time of joy, celebration, and heartfelt connections. One of the cherished traditions during this festive season is the exchange of Christmas cards filled with warm wishes and holiday cheer. As the cards start pouring in, finding a way to display them beautifully becomes a delightful challenge. If you’re wondering how to make a Christmas card holder?. In this guide, we’ll explore creative and easy-to-make Christmas card holder ideas that will not only keep your cards organized but also add a festive touch to your holiday decor.

1. How to make Christmas card holder?

Creating a Christmas card holder is a fun and festive project that can add a personal touch to your holiday decor. Here’s a simple guide on how to make one:

Materials Needed:

  • A large piece of cardboard or a wooden board
  • Wrapping paper or fabric (optional, for covering the board)
  • Clothespins or small clips
  • String or ribbon
  • Glue or tape
  • Scissors
  • Decorative items (like bows, glitter, stickers, etc.)


Step 1: Prepare the Base

If you are using cardboard, cut it to your desired size and shape. A rectangular or circular shape works well. If you prefer, cover the cardboard or wooden board with wrapping paper or fabric to give it a festive look. Secure the covering with glue or tape.

How To Make Christmas Card Holder
Prepare the Base

Step 2: Attach the String or Ribbon

Cut several lengths of string or ribbon, long enough to span across your board with a little slack. Glue or tape one end of each string or ribbon to one side of the board. Stretch the strings across and secure the other ends to the opposite side of the board. Make sure they are evenly spaced and not too tight, as you will be clipping the cards onto these strings.

Step 3: Add Clothespins or Clips

Attach clothespins or small clips to the strings. These will hold your Christmas cards in place. You can paint the clothespins or decorate them with stickers and glitter for added festivity.

How To Make Christmas Card Holder
Add Clothespins or Clips

Step 4: Decorate the Holder

Now, add any extra decorative items you like. You can glue bows, small ornaments, or tinsel around the edges of the board. Get creative and make it as festive as you want!

Step 5: Display Your Cards

Once your Christmas card holder is ready, start clipping your received cards onto the strings using the clothespins. Arrange them in any order you like.

How To Make Christmas Card Holder
Display Your Cards

Step 6: Hang or Display

Find a place in your home to hang your Christmas card holder, or prop it up on a mantle or shelf. It will not only organize your cards but also add a personalized touch to your holiday decorations.

How To Make Christmas Card Holder
Hang or Display

By following these simple steps, you can create a beautiful and functional Christmas card holder that will showcase the warm greetings from your loved ones in style. Enjoy crafting and have a Merry Christmas!

2. Christmas card holder ideas

Displaying your holiday cards can be both festive and functional. Here are five creative Christmas card holder ideas that will add a touch of holiday cheer to your home decor:

2.1 Christmas Card Display Tree

A Christmas card display tree is a charming way to showcase your holiday greetings. Use a small artificial or real tree and attach the cards to the branches with clothespins or small clips. You can enhance the display with lights, ornaments, and tinsel to create a beautiful and festive centerpiece.

2.2 Christmas Card Holder Garland

Create a festive garland by stringing ribbon or twine across a mantel, staircase railing, or wall. Attach your Christmas cards to the garland with clothespins or decorative clips. Add some holiday greenery, ornaments, or fairy lights to the garland for an extra touch of holiday spirit.

2.3 Christmas Card Holder Box

A Christmas card holder box is a practical and decorative way to keep your cards organized. Choose a decorative box or wooden crate that matches your holiday theme. Personalize it with festive wrapping paper, fabric, ribbons, and bows. Arrange the received cards inside, standing them upright so their designs are visible, making it easy for family and guests to browse through them.

2.4 Christmas Card Holder Wreath

Transform a wreath into a Christmas card holder by attaching clothespins or small clips around its circumference. Secure the cards to the wreath, arranging them in a circular pattern. Hang the wreath on your front door, wall, or above the fireplace for a festive and welcoming display.

2.5 Christmas Card Holder Wall Hanging

Create a wall hanging by using a wooden dowel, branch, or decorative rod. Attach lengths of ribbon or string to the dowel, allowing them to hang down vertically. Use clothespins or clips to attach the cards to the strings. Decorate the dowel with holiday-themed ornaments, bows, or tinsel to complete the look. This wall hanging can be displayed in a hallway, living room, or entryway for a festive touch.

These five Christmas card holder ideas will not only help you organize and display your holiday greetings but also add a personalized and festive touch to your home. Enjoy crafting and have a wonderful holiday season!

3. FAQs

3.1 How many rows should I include on the card holder?

The number of rows on your card holder depends on its size, the number of cards, and their sizes. For a large holder, 4-6 rows work well; for smaller holders, 2-3 rows suffice. If you expect many cards, use more rows; for fewer cards, use fewer rows. Standard cards need about 4-6 inches of space. A medium-sized holder with 4-5 evenly spaced rows balances functionality and looks.

3.2 Can I use alternative materials if I don’t have a wooden frame?

Yes, if you don’t have a wooden frame, there are several alternative materials you can use to create a card holder. Cardboards can be shaped and covered with decorative paper or fabric. Foam board offers a lightweight option that can be decorated with paint or fabric. A wire grid or mesh panel allows for easy attachment of ribbons or strings to display cards. Repurposing a picture frame by removing the glass and stretching strings across it is another creative option. You can also use a fabric panel or even a sturdy branch from outdoors. Each material offers a unique way to showcase your holiday cards creatively.

3.3 How do I hang the card holder on the wall?

To hang the card holder on the wall, first, prepare the holder by attaching hooks, adhesive strips, or hardware suitable for its weight and material. For cardboard or foam board holders, adhesive hooks or picture hanging strips work well. For wire grids or mesh panels, use nails or screws through the top edge. Picture frames can be hung using sawtooth hangers or D-rings. Secure fabric panels or branches with hooks or nails positioned to support their weight. Ensure everything is level and securely attached to display your holiday cards safely and attractively.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to send thanhcongcraft an email us at or message us at WhatsApp: +84967485411. Hope to serve you soon! Best regard!

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