How To Make Wine Cork Place Card Holders?

Are you looking for a creative and simple way to add a special touch to your table settings? Try making wine cork place card holders! In this article, we will guide you on how to make wine cork place card holders easily and quickly. These holders not only help organize seating arrangements neatly but also add an elegant and unique flair to your party. Let’s explore the process and steps together!

1. How to make place card holders from wine corks?

Creating place card holders from wine corks is a fun and eco-friendly way to personalize your table settings. Here’s a guide on the materials you’ll need and the steps to make these charming holders.


  • Wine corks (one for each place card holder)
  • Sharp knife or box cutter
  • Cutting board
  • Sandpaper (optional, for smoothing edges)
  • Place cards or small pieces of paper
  • Pen or marker

Steps by step:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Collect all the necessary materials. Ensure the wine corks are clean and dry. If you don’t have enough corks, you can ask friends or visit a local winery or restaurant.

how to make wine cork place card holders
Gather Your Materials

Step 2: Cut the Cork

Place the wine cork on the cutting board. Using a sharp knife or box cutter, carefully slice a thin sliver off one side of the cork to create a flat base. This will prevent the cork from rolling.

how to make wine cork place card holders
Cut the Cork

Step 3: Make the Card Slot

On the opposite side of the flat base, make a horizontal cut about 1/4 inch deep. This slot will hold the place card. Be sure to cut straight and evenly to ensure the card sits properly.

how to make wine cork place card holders
Make the Card Slot

Step 4: Smooth the Edges (Optional)

If desired, use sandpaper to smooth any rough edges on the cork or in the slot. This step is optional but can give the holders a more polished look.

Step 5: Insert the Place Card

Write the names of your guests on the place cards. Insert each card into the slot you cut in the cork. Make sure the cards are secure and stand upright.

how to make wine cork place card holders
Insert the Place Card

Step 6: Arrange and Enjoy

Place the finished place card holders on your table. Arrange them as desired to create a personalized and welcoming atmosphere for your guests.

how to make wine cork place card holders
Arrange and Enjoy

By following these simple steps, you can transform ordinary wine corks into stylish and functional place card holders. Not only are they practical, but they also add a touch of elegance and sustainability to your table settings.

2. FAQs

2.1 Can I personalize the place card holders with guest names or initials?

Yes, you can definitely personalize the place card holders with guest names or initials. This adds a unique and thoughtful touch to your table settings. Simply write the names or initials on the place cards before inserting them into the wine cork holders. You can use a pen or marker to match the theme of your event, or even print the names using a stylish font for a more polished look. Personalizing the place card holders not only makes your guests feel special but also helps organize seating arrangements effectively.

2.2 Where can I find recycled wine corks for crafting?

You can find recycled wine corks for crafting from a variety of sources. Local restaurants and bars often have an abundance of used corks and are usually willing to give them away if you ask. Wineries and vineyards are also great places to inquire, as they frequently have extras. Additionally, online marketplaces like eBay, Etsy, and Amazon sell bags of recycled wine corks specifically for crafting at reasonable prices. Craft stores sometimes carry them in their supplies section as well. Don’t forget to ask friends and family who drink wine to save their corks for you, as this can be a simple and cost-effective way to gather a collection. 

2.3 Are there alternative materials I can use if I don’t have enough wine corks?

Yes, there are several alternative materials you can use if you don’t have enough wine corks for your place card holders. Bottle caps, either metal or plastic, can create unique and colorful holders. Wooden dowels can be cut and slotted to hold place cards and can be painted or stained to match your decor. Clothespins, whether wooden or plastic, can be decorated and used to clip place cards onto the table or plates. Smooth rocks or pebbles can also work, with a small slit cut to hold the card.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to send thanhcongcraft an email us at or message us at WhatsApp: +84967485411. Hope to serve you soon! Best regard!