How To Make A Ribbon Wreath Step By Step?

Starting with the selection of ribbons in your preferred colors and materials, creating a handmade ribbon wreath is not only a creative activity but also brings joy and satisfaction. In this guide, we’ll explore how to make a ribbon wreath from preparing materials, choosing the size and design, to arranging and securing the ribbons.  Each step is presented in a detailed and easy-to-understand manner, making it simple for beginners to follow along and execute. Let’s get started to create a unique and personalized product that reflects your style and preferences.

1. How to make a wreath out of ribbon?

Creating a wreath out of ribbon is a delightful and satisfying craft project that can add a personal touch to your home decor. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make a beautiful ribbon wreath.


  • Wreath Form: You can use a foam wreath form or a steel wreath form.
  • Ribbons: Choose ribbons in various colors, patterns, and widths. You can use satin, grosgrain, organza, or any other type you prefer.
  • Scissors: A sharp pair of scissors for cutting ribbons.
  • Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks: For securing ribbons to the wreath form.
  • Floral Pins or Straight Pins: These are helpful for holding ribbons in place, especially if you are using a foam wreath form.
  • Decorative Items (Optional): Such as artificial flowers, beads, or ornaments to add extra flair to your wreath.


Step 1: Prepare Your Materials

Cut your ribbons into manageable lengths. Depending on the design, you might want to cut them into strips ranging from 6 to 12 inches long.

How to make a ribbon wreath step by step
Cut your ribbons into manageable lengths

Step 2: Wrap the Wreath Form (Optional)

If you don’t want the wreath form to show through the ribbons, you can wrap it with a base layer of ribbon or fabric. Secure the ends with hot glue or pins.

Step 3: Attach the Ribbons

You’re simply tying the ribbon to the form, being sure to pull tightly and tie double knots.

How to make a ribbon wreath step by step
Tying the ribbon to the form

Step 4: Create a Pattern

Arrange your ribbons in a consistent pattern or randomly for a more eclectic look. If you are using multiple ribbon types, alternate between them to create a balanced design.

How to make a ribbon wreath step by step
Create a Pattern

Step 5: Fill in Gaps

Ensure there are no gaps between the ribbons. You can add more ribbon loops or pieces to cover any exposed areas of the wreath form.

Step 6: Add Decorative Elements (Optional)

Once you are satisfied with the ribbon arrangement, you can add decorative items like artificial flowers, beads, or seasonal ornaments. Use hot glue to attach these items securely.

How to make a ribbon wreath step by step
Add Decorative Elements (Optional)

Step 7: Create a Hanging Loop

Cut a length of ribbon, form a loop, and attach it to the back of the wreath using hot glue or pins. This will be used to hang your wreath.

How to make a ribbon wreath step by step
Create a Hanging Loop

Step 8: Final Adjustments

Make any final adjustments to ensure all ribbons are securely attached and the wreath looks full and balanced.

Step 9: Your Wreath

Choose a spot to display your ribbon wreath, such as a door, wall, or window. Use the ribbon loop to hang it in place.

How to make a ribbon wreath step by step
Choose a spot to display your ribbon wreath

2. FAQs

2.1 How do I prevent the ribbon from fraying while making a wreath?

To prevent ribbon from fraying while making a wreath, there are several effective methods you can apply. One way is to cut the ribbon diagonally or in a V shape to minimize fraying. You can also use craft glue to secure the ribbon ends, or apply a coat of clear nail polish to seal them. Additionally, using heat to slightly melt the ribbon ends is a popular method, but this should only be done with synthetic ribbons as they can melt under high heat, whereas natural material ribbons may burn. 

2.2 Can I use different types of ribbon in one wreath?

Yes, you can use various types of ribbons in a wreath. This not only creates diversity in color and texture but also showcases the maker’s personal style and creativity. The ribbons can include satin, grosgrain, or velvet, and you can choose different shapes and sizes to create harmony and balance for your wreath. Ribbon arrangement techniques may involve layering, twisting, or creating bubble shapes, depending on the style you want to achieve. 

2.3 How do I hang a ribbon wreath securely?

To securely hang a ribbon wreath, you can employ some simple yet effective methods. Firstly, select a ribbon strip with sufficient width and durability to support the weight of the wreath. You can wrap the ribbon around the wreath and then create a loop at the back for hanging on a hook or nail. Another option is to use self-adhesive hooks, such as Command hooks, to mount the wreath on a door without drilling holes. Ensure the door surface is clean before attaching the hook to enhance adhesion. If you wish to hang the wreath without damaging the door, you can use a magnetic base hook or a transparent hook to preserve the door’s aesthetics. 

2.4 What are some creative ways to display a ribbon wreath besides hanging it on a door?

Some creative ways to display ribbon wreaths besides hanging them on doors include placing them on dining tables, hanging them on walls as artwork, or even using them as a highlight for bookshelves. You can also incorporate wreaths into table centerpieces, combined with candles and other accessories to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Placing a wreath in front of a mirror is another great idea, as it not only enhances the space but also creates a unique reflective effect. For flexible display options, use adhesive wall hooks, allowing you to easily change the wreath’s position without drilling holes in the wall.

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