How To Make A Wreath Out Of Horse Show Ribbons?

In the serene space of the workshop, where tranquility reigns, horse racing ribbons – symbols of pride and achievement – are repurposed into vibrant wreaths. This process is not only a means of reusing valuable items but also an opportunity for creativity, connecting with beautiful memories, and sharing the stories behind each ribbon. The following article will guide you how to make a wreath out of horse show ribbons, a unique way to leave a personal mark and beautify your living space. 

1. Steps to make a horse show ribbons wreath

Crafting a wreath from horse show ribbons is a wonderful way to preserve memories and create a unique piece of decor. Here’s a guide to help you make your own:


  • Horse Show Ribbons: Gather an assortment of ribbons from horse shows, ensuring they are in good condition and have sentimental value.
  • Wreath Form: Choose a wreath form in a size and shape that complements your ribbons. Foam, wire, or straw forms are commonly used.
  • Scissors: A sharp pair of scissors for cutting ribbons and trimming excess.
  • Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks: For securing ribbons to the wreath form.
  • Decorative Items (Optional): Consider adding embellishments like silk flowers, horse figurines, or other equestrian-themed decorations to enhance the wreath’s aesthetic.


Step 1: Prepare Your Materials

Lay out your horse show ribbons and select the ones you want to use for the wreath. Ensure they are clean and free from any damage.

How to make a wreath out of horse show ribbons
Lay out your horse show ribbons

Step 2: Arrange Ribbons on the Wreath Form

Start by arranging the ribbons on the wreath form, overlapping them slightly to create a visually pleasing design. Experiment with different layouts until you find one you like.

How to make a wreath out of horse show ribbons
Arrange Ribbons on the Wreath Form

Step 3: Secure Ribbons in Place

Once you’re happy with the arrangement, use a hot glue gun to secure the ribbons to the wreath form. Apply a small amount of glue to the back of each ribbon and press it firmly onto the form.

Step 4: Fill in Gaps

Continue adding ribbons until the entire wreath form is covered. If there are any gaps or areas where the form is still visible, cut smaller pieces of ribbon to fill them in.

Step 5: Add Decorative Touches (Optional)

If desired, embellish your wreath with decorative items like silk flowers or horse-themed trinkets. Use hot glue to attach these decorations securely to the ribbons.

How to make a wreath out of horse show ribbons
Add Decorative Touches (Optional)

Step 6: Trim Excess Ribbon

Once the wreath is complete, trim any excess ribbon from the edges to create a clean, polished finish.

Step 7: Hang Your Wreath

Finally, decide where you want to display your horse show ribbons wreath and hang it using a wreath hanger or a loop of ribbon attached to the back.

By following these steps, you can create a beautiful wreath that not only showcases your horse show ribbons but also adds a personal touch to your home decor.

2. FAQs

2.1 How can I personalize my horse show ribbon wreath?

To personalize your horse show ribbon wreath, you can start by selecting a few special ribbons and arranging them artistically around a wreath form. Use hot glue to attach them to the frame, slightly overlapping to add fullness to the wreath. You can also add accessories like artificial flowers or horseshoe shapes to enhance its beauty. Another idea is to use long-tailed ribbons, attaching them at the top and bottom of the wreath, and placing the special ribbons in the center. Don’t forget to check the edges and the back of the wreath to ensure there are no gaps or loose parts, adding glue if necessary. 

2.2 What other types of ribbons can I use besides horse show ribbons?

Besides horse show ribbons, there are many other types of ribbons you can use for various purposes. Ribbons are used in sports events, festivals, and even in home decoration. They can be used to create unique wreaths, shade canopies, or even jewelry like necklaces or bracelets. Ribbons can also beautify DIY projects, from wrapping around picture frames to making decorative items like pillows or blankets. For those who love recycling, old ribbons can be turned into fashion accessories such as keychains or bag decorations. 

2.3 What if I don’t have a wreath form?

If you don’t have a wreath form, you can still create a beautiful wreath using alternative materials. Straighten a wire hanger and bend it into a circular shape, securing the ends together for a sturdy base. Cut a ring out of cardboard for a lightweight option, or use foam tubing or pool noodles, forming them into a circle and securing the ends with duct tape. For a rustic charm, gather flexible vines or twigs, shape them into a circle, and secure them with floral wire or string. An old picture frame or embroidery hoop can also serve as a unique base for your wreath. These creative alternatives allow you to craft a stunning wreath even without a traditional form.

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