How To Make Wicker Furniture Look Modern?

Rattan furniture is a popular choice for those who appreciate natural, durable, and flexible options. However, many may worry that rattan furniture could make the living space appear outdated, old-fashioned, or too traditional. This is not the case, as you can modernize rattan furniture with just a few simple tips.

In this article, we will introduce how to make rattan furniture look modern and contemporary, covering aspects such as color selection, design, accessories, and how to blend it with other materials to match your style.

How to make wicker furniture look modern?

Spray stain for wicker furniture

Transform and breathe new life into your rattan furniture by introducing a burst of vibrant, neutral, or contrasting colors that seamlessly blend with your living space. The process involves selecting from a diverse color palette that includes timeless options such as white, gray, and black, as well as more adventurous choices like green, yellow, or pink.

How To Make Wicker Furniture Look Modern
Spray stain for wicker furniture

Each hue serves as a unique opportunity to infuse your furniture with personality and style, allowing you to craft eye-catching accents that enhance the overall aesthetic of your room. Whether you opt for a sophisticated and muted tone or a bold and striking color, the revitalization of your rattan furniture through carefully chosen hues is sure to leave a lasting impression on your home decor.

Add accessories

When looking to refresh your living space without investing heavily in furniture replacements, making changes or additions to accessories can be a highly effective solution. In the case of rattan furniture, altering or adding pillows, cushions, throws, rugs, or artworks can bring about a sense of renewal and harmony in your space.

  • Pillows and Cushions: Select pillows and cushions with colors and patterns that reflect your style and personalize the space. For areas with rattan furniture, opt for colors like white, gray, or natural tones to create a light and comfortable ambiance. Use pillows with geometric patterns or floral designs to add accents and a modern touch to the space. The combination of these pillows can instantly refresh the appearance of rattan sofas or chairs.
How To Make Wicker Furniture Look Modern
Use pillows with geometric patterns or floral designs
  • Throws and Rugs: Throws and rugs are excellent ways to add layers of comfort and culture to the space. Use throws made of lightweight materials like wool or cotton for a cozy feel, especially during warmer seasons. Regarding rugs, you can choose modern or traditional designs based on the overall style of the room. Rugs can also define areas and enhance the beauty of rattan furniture.
  • Artworks and Wall Decor: Use artworks or wall decor to create focal points in the space. Art with natural images, foliage, or seaside landscapes can blend well with the natural aesthetics of rattan furniture. Choose sizes and styles that suit the space and the surrounding furniture to create balance and harmony.

Lighten wicker furniture

To brighten wicker furniture and give it a more modern look, consider the following measures:

  • Choose Bright Colors: Opting for light colors such as white, beige, light gray, or soft pastel shades can significantly impact the ambiance. Light hues contribute to a gentle and modern atmosphere, breathing new life into wicker furniture and making it seem both fresh and up-to-date.
  • Opt for Sleek and Simple Designs: When selecting wicker furniture, lean towards pieces with creative yet uncomplicated lines. Avoid intricate details and steer clear of traditional styles. Modern wicker furniture often boasts sleek shapes and minimalist features that align with a contemporary aesthetic.
Opting for light colors such as white, beige, light gray
Opting for light colors such as white, beige, light gray
  • Prioritize Elegantly Simple Shapes: Favoring furniture with clean and straightforward shapes is key. Limiting overly bold patterns or intricate details helps maintain a minimalist design, which, in turn, contributes to a more modern look.
  • Select a Tonal Color Scheme: Sticking to a tonal color palette is an effective way to achieve a cohesive and modern appearance. Utilize various shades of a single color not only for the furniture itself but also for the surrounding environment, creating a harmonious and unified aesthetic.

Combining wicker furniture with diverse materials

Wicker furniture is an excellent choice for bringing warmth, coziness, and a nature-friendly feel to living spaces. However, using only wicker furniture may result in a space that feels monotonous and plain.

Therefore, you can combine wicker furniture with other materials such as wood, metal, glass, or plastic to introduce diversity and richness to the space. You can choose tables, chairs, shelves, or cabinets with simple, minimalist, or industrial designs to achieve balance and harmony with wicker furniture.

Wicker furniture is an excellent choice for bringing warmth
Wicker furniture is an excellent choice for bringing warmth

For example, placing a natural wood table alongside round or square wicker chairs can create a comfortable and elegant dining space. Alternatively, using a metal shelf with multiple compartments to display wicker items like trays, vases, baskets, or bins can add focal points to the living room. Opting for a transparent glass or plastic cabinet for storing wicker items can create a sense of openness and brightness in the space.

In this way, you now know how to blend wicker furniture with various materials to craft a beautiful and functional living space.

In conclusion, achieving a modern look for rattan furniture involves blending its inherent charm with contemporary design principles. Embrace minimalism, choose a cohesive color palette, and incorporate complementary accessories to seamlessly integrate rattan into modern living spaces.

By striking this balance, we create a harmonious fusion of tradition and contemporary style, allowing personal tastes to shine through in a stylish and timeless manner.

Hopefully with the instructions on how to make wicker furniture look modern above, you can brighten up your space. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to send thanhcongcraft an email us at or message us at Tel/WhatsApp: +84967485411. Hope to serve you soon! Best regard!